I'm struggling... Been struggling since Ironman Louisville. Finishing that race and being in the best shape of my life was amazing. I put everything I had into that race and the prep for it. All those early mornings and all those late nights were so worth it, but now that it's done I'm slipping. Slipping away from all of that and back into my old schedule of wanting to train but always having excuses not to.
I'm the kind of guy that has to have goals. It keeps me going and not just in sports. I have family goals, career goals, faith goals, money goals and athletic goals. All of these goals keep me moving forward and striving to achieve something more. My wife often says what's next? She knows I've always got the NEXT thing on my mind. Often times to a fault because it causes me not to focus on what is at hand. It's funny because she asked me that soon after Ironman and of course I was already thinking about it.
I have Triathlon goals for next year and I need to get them on paper and post them on the fridge along with a schedule. This is what I do to get myself going and that is the goal for this weekend. That and try to let go of what has been a crazy week at work. It's also date night with my wife, woohoo!